Walking with Moms header

The Walking with Moms in Need initiative was initially driven by the nation-wide United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Following this initiative, the Livingston County Catholic Parishes have partnered with Livingston County Catholic Charities, to help equip their parishioners in raising awareness about resources that provide assistance to community pregnant and parenting moms in need. Our goal is that each parish in the county becomes a place where moms and their babies are welcomed and supported and where the dignity of every human life is upheld and valued.

Through Walking with Moms in Need ministries, Catholic parishes and communities ‘walk in the shoes’ of local pregnant and parenting women to connect them with the help they need. Please check out our list of resources below and share it with anyone in need.

The following are the current Livingston Catholic parishes that would be happy to help you out if you are a mother in need, or if you want to get involved in a parish ministry:

Holy Spirit, Brighton - James Hynes (810) 335-4935, jameshynes717@gmail.com
St. Agnes, Fowlerville - Barb Tabit (517) 715-3144, stagneswwmn3@yahoo.com
St. Augustine, Howell - Mary Burns-Coral (616) 546-481-6045, marybc@livingstoncc.org
St. John the Baptist, Howell - Ann O’Reilly (517) 546-7200, annoreilly11@yahoo.com
St. Joseph, Howell - Deborah Amato (517) 294-4780, dkamato@gmail.com
St. Mary, Pinckney - respectlifestmarypinckney@gmail.com
St. Mary Magdalen, Brighton - Ron Weingartz (586) 242-0718, ronweingartz22@gmail.com

At this time, you can find an Embrace Grace support group for single mothers in need at St. Patrick. More groups will be available soon at other parishes. Please contact the Embrace Grace website directly at embracegrace.com, for information or to register in a small group.

To contact the Livingston County Catholic Charities - Life Committee (Walking with Moms in Need) directly, please email Patricia Ellison at ellisonpat4@gmail.com.
