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A Night of Celebration at Livingston County Catholic Charities’ Salute to the Stars Event

On the evening of May 30th, 2024, Livingston County Catholic Charities (LCCC) hosted their annual Salute to the Stars Celebration, where guests enjoyed a night of joyous celebration, exciting announcements, and fellowship. The event featured several new Legacy Awards named after instrumental people in LCCC’s history:

  • Munsell Family Volunteer of the Year: Don Root.
  • Mark Robinson Community Impact Award: Weingartz.
  • Deacon Jim Kasprzak Partner in Faith Award: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Attendees were also treated to a special speech by Emmy Award winner Chuck Gaidica. The night concluded with an exhilarating live donation auction, that raised nearly $25,000 for LCCC’s Special Ministries program. The event in total raised over $70,000 for the agency.

A highlight of the evening was the Riccardi family, who shared their heartfelt experience with LCCC’s Special Ministries (SMLC) program. The Riccardi’s shared how Special Ministries has changed their lives and how the staff and other participants have become more like family to them. Special Ministries has created a safe and welcoming environment for their child to continue to grow and thrive as an adult!

The celebration also included a silent auction, a photobooth by Christine Asher, live music by Devyn Mitchell, delectable desserts from Torch 180, and a delicious dinner.

Livingston County Catholic Charities extends its deepest gratitude for the overwhelming support received for this event and other initiatives. The generosity of donors, guests, and sponsors is crucial in enabling LCCC to offer life-changing and life-saving services to the residents of Livingston County. Your support through any of these activities brings Help and Hope to those in need!

Client testimonials:

  • “Special Ministries has helped my life so much! It has become my only connection to things outside of my family.”
  • "Catholic Charities saved my life and it can save yours too!"
SS Riccardi
SS Mark Robinson Award
SS Partner in Faith Award
SS Crowd
SS Chuck Gaidica