
Foster Care & Adoption

Interested in becoming a Foster Parent?

In Livingston County, there are children who need a loving family and will welcome them unconditionally into a caring home. Foster families provide a temporary safe home for children removed from their homes due to abuse and/or neglect. Children range in age from infants to teenagers and come from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds.  The highest priority need is for foster homes for sibling groups, older children, and developmentally disabled children.

We currently work in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Human Services to place children in foster care while working on reunification with their family.  If it has been deemed necessary to permanently remove the children, we work on finding a permanent home, through adoption, for the children. Our goal is to serve Livingston County children and families, provide temporary care for child(ren), reunite child(ren) with their biological family (if possible), and find adoptive families for child(ren) who cannot be reunited with their family.

LCCC's Foster Program Includes

  • Initial Foster Parent Orientation
  • Pre-license training
  • Daily Foster Care  payment for each child
  • 24 hour access to LCCC Caseworker
  • Therapy for child and support to Foster Parent

All children in foster placement are assigned an LCCC Foster Care Caseworker to assist the child, foster parent and birth parent.  Foster children receive Medicaid for medical, dental and therapy needs.

James 1:27

The Bible reminds us in James 1:27 to look after orphans and widows. It’s hard to think of an accomplishment that fills you up more than this. Children are born into this world each day, but not all parents can care for them. God gives us the opportunity to give a child hope! Through the process, you grow and change into a better version of yourself too…

Would You Like to Adopt?

If reunification of the child(ren) and biological family fail, adoption is the next step in securing a permanent, safe and loving home for the child(ren) already in foster care.

Through Livingston County Catholic Charities, you can give a child who is living in foster care the gift of a “forever family.”  They have experienced hurt and hardship in life and are yearning for a lifelong family who will surround them with love and care.

The highest priority need is for teens, sibling groups and developmentally disabled children.