
Tall Cop Says STOP

“The Tall Cop” Jermaine Galloway is coming in-person September 13, 2021, from 9am until 1pm at Grumlaw Church in Howell. Hosted by The Livingston County Alliance and The Livingston County Sheriff’s Office, this event is for law enforcement, health care workers, social workers, educators, and parents interested in learning more about the current youth drug trends in Livingston County and across the United States. Tall Cop travels the country to deliver his engaging presentation, don’t miss this exciting opportunity to see him in person.
Sign up for this informative and dynamic presentation at https://livingstontallcop.eventbrite.com
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah McGeorge or Megan Palmer at livingston.community.alliance@gmail.com


Sep 13 2021


9:00 am - 1:00 pm